Extra Consumable Kit 

$55 + shipping

Design lesson materials for one additional class of 28 students working in groups of four

  • Yellow paper 3" x 6" rectangles (120)
  • Orange felt 3" x 6" rectangles (120)
  • Purple foam 3" x 6" rectangles (120)
  • Green tissue paper 3" x 6" rectangles (120)

Save the Baby Penguins

STEM Teaching Kit

An Introduction to Heat Transfer for K-3

Copyright STEM Teaching Kits LLC. All rights reserved.

Save the Baby Penguins is written as a five-day unit. Each lesson contains 5 parts (Engage, Explore, Explain Elaborate, and Evaluate), following the 5E Learning Cycle. .... In this five-lesson unit, students will discover that penguins are not just found in the Antarctic.  Some penguins actually live on the beach, and they have a problem; they are getting too hot. Plus, seagulls are eating their eggs!  To protect their eggs and keep them cool, park rangers at Boulders Beach National Park in South Africa have created little penguin homes.  Students will design and create model homes for their color-changing penguins. They must test different materials to find out how to make the best penguin house that keeps the penguins cool and the eggs safe. 

This curriculum is ideal for youth in grades K-3 and has been tested extensively in Kindergarten classrooms.

Save the Baby Penguins Kit 

Discontinued. Special Order Only. Please contact us if you need support for previously purchased kits.

Re-usable equipment and design lesson materials for one class of 28 students working in groups of four

  • Hardcopy of curriculum in binder (1)
  • Consumables Kit (1)
  • Black 12 gallon tote bin (1)
  • Color changing penguins (30)
  • Paper Mache Eggs (3)
  • Book: Mrs. Penguin's Perfect Palace (1)
  • Book: Little Houses (1)
  • Gooseneck Lamps (4)
  • 60 Watt incandescent bulbs (4)
  • Sand paper for plastic boxes (7)
  • Plastic boxes (7)
  • Bag of small, assorted shells (1)
  • Digital timer (1)​
  • Assorted colors of masking tape (7)